
Musicpage.com is the social network for the music industry. Built specifically for musicians and music pros, Musicpage has nearly 100,000 profiles from music industry pros and businesses from all corners of the music industry.

Musicpage.com’s Music Ops Board (www.Musicpage.com/mob) allows artists to submit their band or music for consideration for a number of music industry gigs: Music licensing (TV, film, commercial, video games, etc) music festivals looking for artists to book, record labels accepting demos, booking agent and managers looking for new clients, publications, websites and radio stations looking for artist to feature, national acts looking for local openers, etc.
Due to all the private production information and unlisted phone numbers (every profile is guaranteed to include a phone number, including bands), musicpage.com restricts membership to music industry pros and musicians (no fans) who have verified music industry skills and experience.
Musicpage.com employs a team of artist relations reps who call and verify every band or solo artist profile to ensure the high quality of artists and music that make up the community. By assigning an Artist Relations rep to every band or solo act, we can assist them in finding placement or performance opportunities and also notify the artist when we speak to a member who may be interested in working with the artist.
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