
Website: www.ByTheTimeItGetsDark.com
Band Facebook.com/Spielbergs
Label Facebook.com/bythetimeitgetsdark
Band Twitter: @Spielbergsband
Label Twitter: @BTTIGDrecords

2019 has already thrown out some excellent singles, EPs, and albums. My top musical tip for 2019 (so far) is Spielbergs.
Spielbergs is a Norwegian trio that straddles the line between indie-rock and garage rock. The trio are so good that a group of music journos set up a record label just to release their brilliant debut album, This Is Not The End.
This Is Not The End landed in January 2019 and features 12 frenetic, fuzz-pop gems. We Are All Going to Die is the highlight of the band’s debut album, hooking you with taut riffs before you’re reeled in by a glorious breakdown. Check out We Are All Going to Die below and be prepared to hit repeat throughout 2019!

This review was written by Patrick Foster, follow him @myecommercetips

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